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How to Request for Work from Home: Tips, Templates, and Samples

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Tata Davis

Updated: Oct 23, 2024 02:45 pm

6 min read

Remote work has seen a rising trend as most employees are requesting work-from-home due to the obvious benefits like increased flexibility in schedules, improved work-life balance, higher productivity, cost savings, and others. Companies have also embraced this trend and allowed people to work from anywhere with an internet connection, provided they make a professional request.

requesting for work from home

This guide details everything you must know to request work-from-home arrangements professionally. It also shares a few email templates you can use in various situations to convince your manager to accept your request.

Part 1: Why Request Work from Home?

Employees can request to work from home as there are fewer distractions, which allows them to think creatively and deliver better results. Other than that, the following can be the reasons:

  • Better Work-life Balance: Remote work allows employees to create a healthy balance between work and personal life by combining the two. It makes them feel happier, more confident, trust their employers, and generally be more productive.
  • Health and Safety Concerns: One can request to work from home for health and safety reasons. It can be justified by concerns like a pre-existing medical condition or a current illness that makes you more vulnerable to workplace hazards, especially during a pandemic, a need to manage health, or an unsuitable work environment.
  • Personal Reasons: When managing certain personal situations, such as healthcare concerns, family emergencies, mental health needs, home renovation, or others, employees might not be able to be physically present at the office. They can cite “personal reasons” to justify working from home in such situations.

Part 2: How to Request Work from Home

Your request for work from home will not be accepted if you pass it on to your manager or send an email. It’s crucial to schedule a meeting with them, pitch your reasons, highlight your past productivity, and outline how this arrangement could benefit the company.

Are You Suitable for Remote Work?

Before you proceed to place the request for remote work, it’s crucial to gauge your suitability for it. While proper communication and the right work ethic are crucial for remote work success, you must also have the tools to boost your overall productivity. To evaluate your living situation and work style, begin with a few basic questions, such as:

  • Do you have a dedicated workspace conducive to focused work?
  • Is your internet connection reliable?
  • Are you disciplined and thrive better in a distraction-free environment?
  • Do you prefer in-person collaboration sessions or work better over remote calls?

If the answers to all of the above questions are yes and you perform better when working independently, you might be a suitable candidate for remote work arrangement.

Ask to Work from Home

As you’re sure about your credibility to work from home and ready to present your case before the manager, the question is delivery: whether in person or via email. Both methods have pros and cons, and the best choice depends on the situation, your confidence, and your relationship with the manager.

An in-person meeting fosters more personal interaction and is beneficial when building rapport with the manager. You can display genuine enthusiasm to work in remote settings through clear communication and body language. It also allows for a two-way dialogue so you can address your manager's concerns regarding your work arrangement.

On the other hand, an email request is great for outlining the key points of your request, keeping a documented record, and being a convenient form of conversation in busy schedules. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the circumstances and how well you execute it.

Part 3: What to Include in Your Request

Whether going in person or sending an email request for work-from-home, you must cite specific points such as the reason for the request, proposed schedule, productivity plan, communication strategy, etc. These are detailed as follows:

  • Reason for Request: In your request pitch, clearly state the reason why you want to work from home, such as improved productivity, health reasons, or work-life balance.
  • Proposed Schedule: Outline your desired work days and hours when operating in a remote work setting. Don’t try to suggest a schedule that’s completely wayward from the office work hours, or the chances are that your proposal gets rejected straight away.
  • Communication Strategy: Mention how you plan to communicate with your team and manager, including the tools used for the purpose. For example, you’ll regularly get updates from team members through communication channels like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.
  • Productivity Plan: Describe in detail the ways you’ll partake in managing your schedule effectively and delivering your tasks by the deadline.
  • Benefits to the company: You must ensure how your working-from-home arrangement could benefit the company, such as better deliverables, reduced overhead costs, and others.
  • Technological Capabilities: You must confirm that your internet connection is stable and that you have the right tools to work at a similar level to when you were physically present in the workspace.

Part 4: Work from Home Email Templates

Now that you know what needs to be included, here are a few work-from-home request email samples:

Sample 1: General Request

Subject: Request to Work-from-home

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you're doing well. This email is regarding a request for the opportunity to work from home on [mention the specific days]/[full-time]. I believe this arrangement will allow me to improve my overall productivity and [state the reason in brief].

I have the right tools in place, established a dedicated workspace conducive to focused work, and outlined a plan to stay connected with you and my team. I am confident there won’t be any gaps in my performance.

Thanks for considering my request. I hope to hear from you on this matter at your earliest convenience.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Health Concerns

Subject: Request to Work-from-home due to Health Concerns

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you're doing well. This email concerns a request to permit me to work from home starting [date] due to ongoing health concerns.

While working in this arrangement, I assure you that I will be available via email and phone throughout my work hours. I have a strict schedule in place for my work and plan to complete everything assigned within the stipulated deadline. This would allow me to project my productivity graph upwards, even in this remote work setting.

Thank you for your support. I hope to hear from you on this matter at your earliest convenience.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 3:  Childcare Responsibilities

Subject: Request to Work-from-home due to Childcare Responsibilities

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally request to work from home starting [date] due to changes in my childcare responsibilities.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, it is difficult for me to physically attend the office. I assure you that my productivity won’t be affected, and I will continue to abide by the deadline. I have the plan, the right resources, and a dedicated workspace to continue working at the same level.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 4:  Commuting Challenges

Subject: Request to Work-from-home Due to Commuting Challenges

Dear [Manager’s Name],

This email is my formal request to allow me to work from home for [number of days] starting from [days] due to commuting issues. It’s to bring to your notice that a whole lot of time and stress goes into my daily commute. So, I am willing to save time and am confident that I can put my concerted efforts into doing even better for my organization.

I want to assure you that I have already set up a dedicated workforce where I can work distraction-free and can stay connected with my team to share regular updates.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 5: Improved Work-Life Balance

Subject: Request to Work-from-home due to improved work-life balance

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to request permission to transition into a fully remote setup, which would allow me to establish a work-life balance and improve my performance.

I propose to work from home full-time/part-time [if part-time, mention which days], ensure no communication mishap, and that our team meets the set deadline. I am confident that this arrangement benefits both myself and the company.

Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to further discussing it with you at your earliest convenience.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 6: Trial Period Request

Subject: Request to Work-from-home for Trial Period

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am making this formal request to work from home for a trial period of [specify duration, for example, one month]. I believe that this period will help me determine the effectiveness of this arrangement.

I assure you there won’t be any unforeseen delays in the work and promise to work for [mention the number of hours] in a day. During this period, I will be in constant touch with my teammates over video/voice calls or texts.

Your support in this initiative is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any further queries or things to discuss.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Part 5: Tips for Writing an Effective Work-from-Home Request

When making a work-from-home request to your employer, it’s essential to be polite, keep your email concise, mention the dates, and be honest. Following are the best tips for writing a compelling email:

  • Keep your email concise and to the point, and avoid adding unnecessary details or something unrelated to the topic.
  • Keep your writing tone professional, and avoid using slang words. This will show that you’re respectful to your manager and are serious about the request.
  • Mention the exact dates for why you’re requesting work from home, such as childcare responsibilities, health concerns, etc. This will help your manager understand your reason for working away from the office.
  • Try to highlight any past instances where you did well working from home. This will make the manager confident about your abilities and possibly accept your request.
  • Ask your manager to share any concerns about you working from home. You can offer them a chance to meet in person and communicate clearly.

tips for writing an effective work-from-home request

Part 6: How to Monitor Remote Workers Efficiency?

Monitoring remote workers' efficiency requires a balanced approach that ensures productivity while respecting employees' privacy and autonomy. Here are some effective methods to monitor and enhance remote worker efficiency:

Use Computer Monitoring Tools

Tools like FamiGuard Monisen (ideal for monitoring computer activity), Time Doctor, or ActivTrak allow you to track keystrokes, web usage, and app activity, providing detailed insights into how remote employees spend their work hours.

famiguard monisen check live screen

famiguard monisen

An Array of Amazing Features of FamiGuard Monisen

  • Track laptop or company computer's location in real-time to know where your remote working employee goes.
  • Check remote workers' live screen to know what they are doing daily.
  • Automatically take screenshots of the target device to give you a brief view.
  • Detailed screen time report shows the usage of computer daily and weekly.

Set Clear Goals and KPIs

Setting clear, measurable goals or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ensures that remote workers understand what is expected of them. This might include deadlines, output quality, or other performance metrics. Monitoring these KPIs can give a direct measure of an employee's efficiency.

Regular Check-Ins and Communication

Regular check-ins via video calls or messaging platforms help managers stay connected with their teams. These meetings allow managers to gauge progress, provide feedback, and address challenges workers may face, all of which contribute to better performance.

FAQ about Asking for Working at Home

1. How do you politely ask for work from home?

To politely ask for work from home, approach your boss with a clear, respectful request. Explain your reasons for wanting to work remotely, highlight how it will not affect your productivity, and propose a plan for how you will stay connected and maintain performance.

2. How to write a request for work from home?

To write a request for work from home, start with a professional greeting and explain your reason for the request. Be specific about your plan, detailing how you will stay productive and communicate with the team. Mention any successful remote work experience you have, and close with a polite request for approval.

3. How can I tell my boss I want to work from home?

To tell your boss you want to work from home, schedule a meeting or send a well-thought-out email. Be direct but courteous, and explain the benefits of remote work, such as improved focus or flexibility. Back it up with data if possible, and reassure them about your productivity.

4. How do you say you want to work from home?

You can say you want to work from home by being straightforward yet professional. For example: "I’d like to discuss the possibility of working from home. I believe it will allow me to stay productive while providing flexibility. I am open to discussing how this can work best for our team."

5. How do you kindly allow me to do work from home?

When asking kindly, you can say: "Would it be possible for me to work from home on [specific days/reasons]? I believe this arrangement can improve my work-life balance without compromising my efficiency. I would appreciate your understanding and consideration."


If you intend on requesting to work from home, the steps and tips shared in the article ensure the best results. Use a clear and straightforward approach to make professional requests about the work arrangement. Even in a remote working environment, a manager can use the FamiGuard Monisen app to ensure their employees work at a standard productivity level. It offers a range of features such as watching live computer screens, clicking screenshots, monitoring activities, and others to become a handy tool.

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By Tata Davis

professional in software and app technology, skilled in blogging on internet

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